Mastering Agility Publication

Mastering Agility Publication

The Mastering Agility Publication

Welcome to our very own Mastering Agility Publication, where we strive to inspire and inform Agile practitioners. Created by our community and for our community, we pride ourselves on the high quality of our articles!

Find below our most recent articles. If you want to see all our articles, please follow this link to our Medium Publication.

Becoming a writer

Whether you are an experienced authour or you are wondering how to get started with writing, our Mastering Agility Publication is a great place for writers.

On the one side, through our publication you will be able to reach and engage with a huge audience. On the other side, our editorial team will support you in polishing your articles to a high level of quality. Our writer community is a great place to discuss content, find inspiration and find ways to improve your writing. Also, as part of our community of writers we encourage you to review articles of fellow writers, exposing you to different styles and subjects. We find that this is also an effective way to perfect your writing skills.  

For more information on joining us, check out our writing guidelines where you will find all the details to join us. 

Meet The Editorial Team

The Mastering Agility Publication is made possible by our editorial team. Their goal is to curate the absolute best content, support the writers to create quality content and ensure the popularity and wide availability of the content.

If you would like to join our editorial team, please consider joining us as a writer first, even if you are not considering writing anything.

This is simply because we encourage our writers to get involved in the reviewing process first, and this is a great way for you to display your editorial skills.

Check our writing guidelines for details.

Fredrik Carleson
Agilist, philosopher-hobbyist, tabletop player, and software nerd, has helped deliver software for private companies, governmental and United Nations for the last twenty years in Europe and South-East Asia. Since childhood, his interest in games and philosophy, combined with various ways to deliver software, has begun to converge coherent thoughts of how it all fits together. Fredrik believes methods and frameworks come and go, but good ideas are eternal; we just change the names.
Erik de Bos
The grammar freak who's favourite comment is "keep the tense consistent!". Erik is an Agile leader, writer, speaker and editor on a mission to change the way we work. And here to help you be the best writer you can be.
Matt DiBerardino
A former cartographer and software developer with 20 years of experience helping to build products, Matt specializes in using Scrum and Kanban practices to help teams solve organizational challenges and deliver for customers. He truly lives the Scrum Values.
Mark ter Voert
Mark is a Freelance Scrum Master, passionate about Agile Change Management, Leadership, and enhancing Workplace Happiness.